Client: James & Daniel Chaffey from JC Walsh
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Year: 2024
The Project: Meet some of our Woodfast Dealers
Owned and operated by machinery legend Bernie Crandles since 1973, JC WALSH has been the mainstay supplier for serious woodworkers in Melbourne and Victoria for 50 years. Yet even legends get tired, so in 2021 Bernie handed over the reins to new JC WALSH owners James and Daniel Chaffey.
Brothers in Arms
Word is that James is the business manager, and Daniel is the technical guru. These two brothers offer WOODFAST customers much more than a “drop it by the roadside and assemble yourself” kind of service. JC WALSH customers enjoy professional, long-term service and support for their investment. They can assemble your machine, teach you about safety and maintain your machine throughout its life.
Who actually was JC WALSH?
James argues that Bernie called the business JC in preparation for his arrival 47 years later. JC actually stands for James Charles Walsh who Bernie bought the business from back in the day. No doubt the new team is set to take JC WALSH and WOODFAST forward into the future…and allows time for Bernie to take a well-deserved long weekend.
Contact James and Daniel at JC WALSH and see how they can assist you.